Keto diet with Diabetes – Diabetes Doctor Explains how!

Hello everyone The big question is can I follow the keto diet when I have diabetes or prediabetes? Great question, right you're probably wondering who I am I'm Dr. Ahmed Ergin the founder and we have a lot of practice with many diabetics and I like to pass on my experience, especially regarding the questions that come to me every day in my diabetes clinic now let's talk about the keto diet enjoy the diet Keto diet is very popular nowadays and everyone wants to continue why would they do it? Because when you completely cut out carbs, your body goes into ketosis. So what is ketosis? When your body is deprived of carbohydrates as a result, your body starts burning fat and this creates ketone bodies that's why it's called ketosis so your body is in a state of burning fat and then not only that in the beginning, when you cut out carbohydrates your insulin levels drop significantly even if you have With diabetes, you make insulin unless you have type 1 diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes or diabetics already have more insulin than the average person.

However, because their body or their resistance is greater than the normal person, the high amount of insulin is not Well enough and this actually helps you gain weight when you have diabetes now, when you're on the keto diet, your insulin levels go down insulin is a hormone that actually attracts water and as a result, when you're on the keto diet, your insulin water level goes down and as a result, Your water levels drop so you may have noticed that you may end up having to go to the bathroom more often but what's the danger in that? Guys, you may be at risk for dehydration so if you're on the keto diet, make sure you stay hydrated that's number one, number two discuss with your doctor because you may be taking medication that could put you at risk when you're on the keto diet so, if you're a guy, You don't have many problems.

If you have prediabetes, and you're not on medication it's okay to do the keto diet, but understand that whenever you leave the keto diet, your weight is going to come back so you don't want to go on a diet that's actually going to cause you to be underweight again unless you're going to a wedding and then you're Ready to gain weight back, but we want to make sure that you are on a diet that you like, that you are on a diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life, so dietary changes must be perfect and permanent, not temporary, so you can lose 20, 30, 40 pounds of weight when you follow Keto diet but then, if you were to gain that back, I would say there's no point and I see that all the time and I give some support all the time when you do the keto diet, they lose weight and then they gain weight back now, if you use Insulin, especially mealtime insulin, this is an important part guys so if you're using insulin, let's say you're taking ten units per meal and all of a sudden you're cutting out carbs what are you going to do with insulin? Very important question for you to discuss with your doctor.

You may have to cut back on your insulin significantly because 80% of insulin's job is to take care of carbohydrates along with proteins, fats, etc. But 80 90% of insulin is designed to take care of carbohydrates so if you get rid of carbs suddenly and you're in trouble for insulin. You will have a big problem with low blood sugar so you have to make sure of that. Contact us if you want to get consolation information about keto and diabetes. We can give you a free consultation, and help you with the diet. If you are not keto, we can help you with the diets. The other as well and remember that keto is not the only diet and it has not been proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes if there is a diet that you want to know about and want to investigate more of it would be the Mediterranean diet even though it does contain some carbohydrates healthy carbohydrates, it has been proven that they Reduces the risk of death and prolongs life and reduces the number of medications so we can talk about this diet more but again, if you are committed to following the keto diet keto you need to be careful, especially if you are taking insulin, in particular and if you are taking medications that can excrete Insulin like glipizide, glyburide, glimepiride, you need to understand what's going on with your medications before embarking on any type of keto diet otherwise, as long as you stay hydrated, you should be able to now one last thing guys if you're on medications in particular, you may It happens even to normal people when you're on a keto diet, electrolyte balance may be lost so when you lose a lot of water and become dehydrated you may have poor potassium and sodium levels, you may also be magnesium deficient so if you're on a very strict keto diet for a long, long time It's not a bad idea, at least to have your primary care doctor check your electrolytes and then assess your hydration status.

We'll see you again in the next topic. I'm Dr. Ahmed Argin and have a wonderful day..

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