Can I Eat These On A Keto Diet Plan: Beets, Carrots, Peas & Tomatoes? – Dr. Berg

hey guys I'm gonna answer a question can I eat 
these vegetables on a ketogenic diet well let's   go ahead and talk about this because there's 
a lot of confusion so we're gonna talk about   like the beets the carrots the peas the tomatoes 
and I'm gonna throw in potato corn art artichoke   too because they are they're kind of fall in 
that category so if we look at beets beets are   really high in potassium I'm talking like 442 
milligrams per cup so all of these are based on   one cup and then the carbs are 13 grams and the 
sugar is 9 grams so between the carbs and the   sugar the sugar is the most important thing to 
look at because you want to keep the sugar down   really really really low so if something has 
a higher carbohydrate it might break down the   sugar very very slow if the fiber is high versus 
high sugar it breaks down and sugar really really   fast regardless of how much fiber but fiber does 
buffer it so okay so the beet has about 9 grams of   sugar it's pretty high protein is 2.2 but look at 
this fiber is 3.8 so it has a good amount of fiber   which will tend to buffer that so the question 
is should you eat beets if you're trying to get   in ketosis probably not a good idea however if 
you're happy with your weight like myself go   ahead and start eating the beets because they 
have a lot of good benefits for the liver for   nutrition good for detox of the gall bladder that 
type of thing so generally though if you're trying   to get in ketosis probably not a good idea to eat 
beets okay the carrot 195 milligrams of potassium   again potassium is necessary to help lower insulin 
so we want that very high look at this six grams   of carbs that's pretty low compared to a beet 
it's like half sugars are 2.9 grams so that is   very very low compared to a beet protein not a lot 
of protein half the fiber so I would say carrots   would be okay to consume Anna ketogenic diet I 
don't think you're gonna have a hard a problem   with that because of these two are very very 
low and plus all I mean just have some fiver so   I wouldn't try to avoid carrots okay all right 
the P peas snap peas or dis regular piece 354   milligrams of potassium it's pretty high 21 grams 
of carbs is pretty high 8 grams of sugar pretty   high look how much protein eight grams of protein 
wow that's interesting that's probably ever hear a   pea protein before well that's why you don't hear 
of karat protein do you and then we got 7 grams   of fiber that's pretty high so peas I probably 
would stay away from peds simply because of the   higher level of sugar okay all right tomatoes 292 
milligrams of potassium four point eight grams of   carbs it's that's pretty low that's actually lower 
than carrots three point two grams of sugar that's   still pretty low I mean it's like just a little 
bit more than carrots so tomatoes are probably a   better thing to consume so far than any eat other 
things we talked about okay so it's kind of tied   with Cara but tomato is pretty pretty low and then 
we have one point one gram of protein 1.5 grams of   fiber okay not as much fiber as the pea but still 
there's a little bit of fiber and they're kind of   similar to a carrot okay so I would say okay 
consume tomatoes on a ketogenic diet so so far   our carrot and tomato are okay but not beat in no 
not peace now potato 897 milligrams of potassium   that is a tremendous amount and then we got 37 
grams of carbs that's a lot of carbs and then   but look at this we got one point seven grams 
of actual sugars so it's low but we know this   type of starch does break down into sugar faster 
than we'd like it 4.3 grams of protein is pretty   high and look how much fiber 4.7 grams so potato 
even though it has potassium this is the culprit   right here there's 37 thing so that's the problem 
with this it's the it's way way higher than for   a DIN tomato or a six six carbs okay but it is 
low in sugar so if you're trying to appear a child   let's say your kids are younger this would be 
potatoes would be good I would do sweet potatoes   and yam red potato make sure they're organic 
it's not a bad food but this may slow you down   losing weight okay now corn 476 milligrams of 
potassium it's pretty high a hundred and twenty   three grams of carbs so this is why we do not want 
to consume corn in addition to all the corners GML   so we don't want to do that and then one gram of 
sugar okay well that's good but still it's such a   starch 16 grant I was really surprised that corn 
has 16 grams of protein I just find that hard to   believe but that was what the sources said I'm 
not sure with the fibrous but I don't know corn   protein I don't know I don't know that doesn't 
make sense to me okay artichoke six hundred and   forty four milligrams of potassium so it comes 
in second place just behind potato and then we   have carbs two hundred and sixty nine grams oh my 
goodness that is it beats all the other vegetables   for the amount of carbs so this is really high in 
carbs per cup and look at this 14 grams of sugar   artichoke is the worst thing you can eat on a 
ketogenic diet don't eat it now protein 3 3 grams   fiber is 2.4 okay so I'm going to recommend that 
you stick with the carrot and tomato and probably   not do these other ones okay all right thank 
you for watching I'll see you the next video

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